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The FinderFox widget

FinderFox is a simple, unobtrusive widget that you can insert into your websites. It is similar to the “Lookup Word” button on NYTimes.com, but has more features!

  • Your readers will be able to tweet a quote with a single click
  • Your readers will be able to look up unfamiliar terms quicker.
  • You will engage your visitors better by increasing the usability of your site-specific search.
  • Your website will stand out and look cooler!
  • Because FinderFox loads asynchronously it should not negatively impact your page’s load time.
  • Results open in a new window so your visitors will not redirected away from your site.

FinderFox adds a “search bubble” that pops-up when your visitor selects/highlights a part of the text on your website. You can customize the search bubble to include your own site-specific search engine. FinderFox is also available as a Firefox extension.

never take up any space on your page.

Add to Blogger

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Need help or have questions/suggestions? Email support@smarterfox.com and I will try to answer it within a day.
By using FinderFox you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Note that we are likely to change the functionality of FinderFox as we add features to make it even better.